Photo challenge day 1: Resolution

Happy New Year!

I have chosen to take part in a 31-day photo challenge which I discovered via the blog, Starting off 2013 with a photo every day sounds like a fun idea to me!

Day 1: Resolution.

My resolution for 2013 is to get outside and go places. I want to spend more time outside, exploring the world, and less time sitting behind the steering wheel of my car.

Resolution: to get outside and go places

Resolution: to get outside and go places

I used the photo-editing website,, to have some fun with applying filters to my photo.

12 thoughts on “Photo challenge day 1: Resolution

  1. I LOVE this photo! I hope you don’t mind me sharing it on Facebook with other photo challenge participants. I feel like I’m in a story when I look it. It’s wonderful! Enjoy your adventures!


  2. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Take a look at just one of the many GORGEOUS photos being taken and shared for the First Thirty One photo challenge. I feel like I’m inside a story when I look at this picture. Thank you, Grace at for reminding me to see things with fresh eyes and have adventures this New Year.


  3. Pingback: January, we had fun | Cultural Life

  4. Pingback: Cultural Life turns two! | Cultural Life

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