Blog challenge recipe #4: Greek koulourakia

Greek flag

For my fourth blog challenge recipe, I chose to make something with an Easter theme. And I found the perfect recipe for delicious Greek koulourakia at Brownie Bites. Although you can buy koulourakia all year round from bakers in Greece they are a traditional Easter specialty too.

The only things I changed in the recipe:
1. I added more orange juice (about half a cup) than the recipe states but then I had to add more flour as the dough was too sticky.
2. I used brown sugar instead of white because I prefer baking with brown sugar and that was the only sugar in the store cupboard anyway!
3. I added approx. 1 tbsp of finely grated orange zest to the mixture.

Happy Easter!

3 thoughts on “Blog challenge recipe #4: Greek koulourakia

  1. Pingback: Blog challenge roundup: the first 10 recipes | Cultural Life

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